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What Are The Benefits Of Automating Retail Point Of Sale Testing?

IntelliQA has worked with several of the world's leading retailers to automate Point of Sale testing. There are impressive headline achievements. Good solutions have provided customers with an 80% reduction in their business-facing test execution time. Test cycle times have been reduced from weeks to hours, and people have been liberated from monotonous, repetitive tasks to perform work that yields greater business benefit.

Test improvement initiatives are frequently born of senior management frustration at one of the symptoms of less than perfect testing. Long test execution times, causing delivery delays and low defect detection rates are two examples. Improving test automation typically brings about a review of the tests that are being performed. Weeding out the tests that offer little business value or are duplicates brings the first benefit. It is the reason that we like to begin our assignments with an analysis phase.

The faster execution times with good automation mean that business-facing tests can typically be executed within hours rather than weeks. It means that the end-to-end business-facing tests can be brought into the software delivery lifecycle. The operating model changes from cramming as much software change into a long test cycle to performing the tests daily. Defects are detected more quickly, and the development teams attitude changes to wanting the results and wanting to fix issues. Experience shows that one of the major causes of defect leakage is changing the platform under test mid-test cycle with a "low risk" fix that results in a production problem. There is no need to do this with efficient execution cycles.

Getting to this place requires the right approach and the right tools. IntelliQA has extensive strategic test consultancy experience and test automation expertise, we are honoured to be winners of the European Software Test Award for two consecutive years for retail testing projects. Talk to us about achieving the change that you desire. It is about more than buying a robot.


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